Part of learning through thinking is debating. Welcome to the first Online Debate. These are for you to post your own ideas and read others. This week we are debating guns on the Think Tank. Particularly, whether or not the removal of guns from our society would reduce crime. This year in Chicago alone 36 minority children have been killed. Would the removal of guns have stopped any of those deaths?
This video makes an interesting case:
To be fair I found a pro-gun arguement that makes some goods points.
What do you think? Guns are good or bad? Would their removal reduce crime? Post your opinion below.
Woot! First post!
Let me start this by sharing with you all an amusing quote: "God didn't make men equal, Samuel Colt did."
Now let me ask a serious question, which as utilitarian I feel must be asked before debating any question of public policy: What do we mean to accomplish by gun control, and what do we mean when we say gun control?
What a weird first video.
Anyway, I would have to argue against complete gun control. That does not mean I condone people carrying around machine guns in Kroger, but I do think that the populace of any country should have access to guns in order to militarily resist a government, if need be. The government of any country should not have sole access to guns. I mean, hey take it from the constitution: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State...
The populace of a country having guns is neccesary in order to maintain the freedom of the populace. Not so sound paranoid, but fascist takeovers do happen every once in a while. And in that case, without guns, we'd be fucked.
To answer your question, David, by imposing stricter gun control we are asking if it makes society as a whole safer. When we say gun control we mean stricter regulation or anything a debater would like to propose.
This is one of those questions like "Evolution vs. Creationism" where the lines are drawn in the sand before the debate begins. And, truth be told, few have had the experience of living in another country where guns are hard to get and rare. So,it becomes a battle of ideological interest-groups rather than enlightenment or open-minded discussion.David Franks is correct in his comment. Everybody back off and
define your terms first. Count Sneaky
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