Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thought Assignment #6

This is the 6th Thought Assignment to be posted. Thought assignment help you argue with yourself and encourage argument and thought with others. And as always remember: An idea that is never spoken might as well have never existed at all.

This weeks thought assignment varies in harness compared to who you are. This week get something in your life organized. When I say organized I mean it, make something that you do more efficient and go crazy with keeping it that way. This can be something as small as brushing your teeth at an exact time every day, to sitting down for dinner, to getting somewhere early. Make a plan and carry it out with efficiency as you primary goal, then make it neat and organized. You may find your self never going back to the old way again. If you don't have a routine that you want to improve then do one thing this week as efficient and organized as you possibly can. Push yourself to really try at it but above all make it fun. When you accomplish something fast and efficiently reward yourself. When you complete this assignment, comment on what you did or accomplished.

Use this assignment to get that little thing done in your life that you never do but always tell yourself you will.


Duckta said...

This week I am going to wake up at (at least) 6:30 and eat breakfast.

Count Sneaky said...

Thank you dukta for folowing my blog. I hope it lightens you day and straightens your road with the wind at your back. I do enjoy yours and I continue to pass the word along
to others whom I think would enjoy your blog. The Count
does not wake up until 8:30 EST
and then resolves never to make any more resolutions or eat any more cereal with amusing names. I meant to add this quote from Hamlet to my last comment: "For there is nothing good or bad , But thinking makes it so!" These are also the words of Jesus,Buddha, and the Wise Ones of the past.Your thoughts? Count Sneaky

Duckta said...

Thinking is why we call life life. Thinking brought on the "civilized" world. Thinking puts food on the table. Thinking is the cause of every good thing known to history and man. Thinking means change and change means thinking. And when you are down and out only a thought can bring you back up! Thinking is a way of life a belief and a religion. Thinking is whatever you make it! Thoughts bring about the scariest and most incredible things in life. Jesus knew it, the Buddha knew it, Muhammad knew it, Dr martin Luther King Jr. knew it, Gandhi knew it, Karl Marx knew it, JFK knew it, FDR knew it, and now you know it: Life without thought is a life not worth living.

Anonymous said...

As you know, science tells us that about 98% of all thought is repetitious. So, this is what keeps most people locked into their lives. Break the habit of thinking, or believing the same thing and you have found the key to life.As the old Zen saying has it, "Stop chasing truth. Cease to cherish opinion." I quite agree that life without thought is not worth living...but it is a two edged sword! Perhaps the best armour is negation. Count Sneaky

Anonymous said...

As to the thought assignment...perhaps "routine" is frozen thought and this is what we venerate as "willpower." Rather than freeing us for more creative thought it reaches back to unresolved ideas, conflicts, and personality problems and uses routine as a diversion.
Some of our most creative
and contented people have been as routine-oriented,neat, and organized as an Irish brawl.
Count Sneaky

Anonymous said...

Your blog page redo is very good. I think you'll do much better with this one.Count Sneaky

Duckta said...

"Some of our most creative
and contented people have been as routine-oriented,neat, and organized as an Irish brawl."
~Count Sneaky~

That is a good point. This assignment is a little more about taking pride in how you do things. Trying to make everything more efficient encourages innovative thinking, a sort of "test run" for applying thinking to actions.