Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thought Assignment #5

Welcome to the Think Tank. This is weekly thought assignment #5. Thought assignment encourage learning through argument and thought. These are usually social assignments and you should voice your opinion on them. Remember: An idea that is never spoken might as well have never existed at all.

America is unarguably a religious state. Religion plays a very large part in our lives. There was a recent Gallup poll that supports this (thank you Lucas) and compares the united states with other countries around the world. Religion's abundance in the daily life tends to correspond with a country's wealth. The trend is: the wealthier you are the less religion plays a role. America is one of the exceptions. This week take a look at religion in our country and ask why? once you think you have an opinion formulated try to answer (or argue) these questions with your arguing buddies:
1.Is religion a necessity in today's world?
2.What might be religion's function to us physically?
3.Finally (purely to cause argument) is religion good, or bad?

If you don't have any arguing buddies at home, feel free to argue on the site, post a comment to share your thoughts.


Count Sneaky said...

Perhaps religion is neither good nor bad. It has been since time began a way to: Propituate the uncontrollable forces of Nature. 2. Provide social cohesion to oppressed people awaiting their turn at bat. 3.A way for the minority to oppress the majority. 4. A way for the individual to have self-expression in their lives.
5.A justification for any ideology.6.Be a patron of the arts. 7.One of the economic foundations of society.8. Found charities 9.A comforter. 10. A maker of rituals.As our own species proves, one cannot have superior science and inferior morals. The combination is unstable and self-destroying. Ah, my friend, the question then becomes...Whose morals?
Perhaps this is the real question. I have addressed only of of your intereseting questions for now. More later.

Count Sneaky

Duckta said...

hmmm Interesting. The real goal in a social rebellion is to find different morals, Or maybe try some new ones.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it makes both options viable. Of course, there are those who argue that morals are given rather than discovered by thought or experience. But, we must disentangle ethics, culture practicality and belief systems. Count Sneaky